For your convenience we have provided the following list of hotels
that you may want to consider. Price ranges are from 2004-2005 rates and are provided to give you
an idea of their rates. Please contact them directly to get exact rate information, since
rates may vary widely.
Also, we may be able to help find other dancers who are willing to host one or two folks
in their homes. Please email us if you require this type of overnight accommodation.
We will do our best to find available hosts, but these options tend to fill up quickly.
Chapel Hill/Carrboro Area
Carolina Inn
211 Pittsboro Street, Chapel Hill
(919) 933-2001
(800) 962-8519
rates tend to be between $145-170
Siena Hotel
1505 East Franklin Street, Chapel Hill
(919) 929-4000
(800) 223-7379
rates tend to be between $130-195
Holiday Inn
1301 North Fordham Blvd., Chapel Hill
(919) 929-2171
(888) 452-5765
rates tend to be between $90-100
Days Inn
1312 North Fordham Blvd., Chapel Hill
(919) 929-3090
(800) 329-7466
rates tend to be between $80-100
Courtyard by Marriott
100 Marriott Way, Chapel Hill
(919) 883-0700
(800) 321-2211
rates tend to be between $100-150